'Quel' vs 'quello'

If you have a masculine noun, the definite article (in singular) is either il or l' or lo. L' if the noun begins with a vowel (e.g. l'aeromobile), and lo if it begins with:

For the rest (the majority of nouns): il. Plural form of il is i, and plural form of l' and lo is gli.

If you have a feminine noun, it's either la or l'. The same rules, la for the majority of nouns and l' for those which begin with a vowel (e.g. l'automobile). The plural form of both is le.

There’s another lo rule, it’s i + vowel. lo ione, lo iodio

And x. lo xilofono, lo xilema


case e.g.
i + vowel lo ione
s + consonant lo studente
x lo xilofono
y lo yogurt
z lo zio
gn lo gnomo
pn lo pneumatico